How Colibri Digital Marketing Uses Appointlet to Grow their Business

Are you looking for an online scheduling app? Appointlet is a great option to consider if you want a simple and effective solution and are tired of wading through all the options. I’ll admit, I’m biased. I’ve been using Appointlet for over two years and I am a huge fan. As a small business owner, I can’t afford to waste my time or my pennies; read on to discover the reasons for my fandom!

Digital marketing

How Colibri Digital Marketing Uses Appointlet to Build Our Business

As a digital marketer, I use Appointlet to schedule complimentary digital strategy sessions for visitors who come to my website through social media marketing campaigns, organic search, email marketing, and review sites like Yelp. This strategy has helped me generate tens of thousands of dollars in yearly revenue. In fact, updating my website with support from local SEO specialists and adding Appointlet marked the beginning of profitability for my business.

I also provide my Appointlet link to businesses with whom I see partnership potential or anyone else who reaches out to me and wants to schedule an appointment. Using scheduling software saves time and emailing back and forth (which is great for me because I usually have to wade through upwards of 75 emails each day).

Why Colibri Digital Marketing Uses Appointlet

Here is why our business uses Appointlet. Appointlet:

  • Is easy to use.
  • Offers timely and friendly customer service when needed.
  • Integrates with other apps (like Mailchimp).
  • Improves my search engine optimization (SEO).

Most important, as I mentioned above, Appointlet is a revenue-driver.

Keep reading to get all the details of how Appointlet has helped me organize my business and increase my revenue.

Appointlet Is Easy to Use

My developer added Appointlet to my website for me, so I can’t speak to how easy it would be for the average website owner to go the DIY route with this, but I can say from personal experience that Appointlet is easy to use because it never breaks. During the two plus years I have had the app, including when I cloned my site and migrated it to a new URL, Appointlet has never broken or created any additional time sinks for me or my team. As a small business owner, I really appreciate that.

Appointlet Offers Timely and Friendly Customer Service

When I have had questions about how to make changes to the service, including when I wanted to track button clicks related to Appointlet, customer service staff responded to me quickly and stayed with me until I was able to figure out what to do. And, based on feedback I and other users gave them, Appointlet developers worked to make the event tracking process even easier.

Appointlet Integrates with Other Apps

Rated by Zapier (hands down the top API integration service) as one of the 16 best meeting scheduling apps, Appointlet plays nicely with other software. I was able to, without help from anyone, integrate Appointlet with Mailchimp. Now, whenever someone signs up for my complimentary digital marketing consultation, their email is automatically added to a specified segment of my subscriber list. I can then nurture these high quality leads over time, which will help me continue to grow my business.

Appointlet is Good for SEO

Because Appointlet in effect embeds into a website, it doesn’t take people off the site as they schedule their appointments. This feature provides a search engine optimization (SEO) boost because it keeps people on your website longer. Time on site is one part of Google’s algorithm, and every little bit of extra time helps!

The take home? With so many products to choose from, investing in software and apps that make your life as a small business owner easier (and perhaps help increase you eCommerce valuation) can be a challenge. Make sure to choose apps that truly save time and hassle as you build the systems and processes you need to optimize your business. If you need a scheduling app, Appointlet is a great place to start.

Anna Colibri

Always a go-getter, Anna founded Colibri Digital Marketing in 2012. Under Anna’s guidance, the company has expanded to a full service digital marketing agency, allowing a team approach that maximizes return on investment. Having certified the business as a B Corp, Anna has demonstrated a strong commitment to the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. Anna has a background in yoga and nonprofit management and has studied, taught, worked & parented in San Francisco since 1992. If you are interested in learning more, schedule a complimentary digital marketing strategy session with Anna (using Appointlet, of course!).

The #1 online tool for scheduling meetings