Appointlet and Nimble Powered by Zapier
Distribute inbound sales opportunities across your team and pass the booking data into your CRM automatically.
Integrate with your most important sales tools
Integrate with your most important sales tools
Zapier can check whether new bookings are associated with a new or existing user in your CRM. This helps to eliminate duplicate entries and update existing records when necessary.
How to connect Nimble to Appointlet
Unlock your sales team's full potential with Nimble
Embed Appointlet on your website and share scheduling links in outbound email campaigns to shorten the sales cycle. Capture important information from your leads and use Zapier to pass that data into your CRM. Meetings can be evenly distributed across your team with Appointlet's round robin algorithm, so every SDR and AE has an opportunity to earn their commission.
Features and benefits
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Give Appointlet a try, it’s free!
- Unlimited meetings
- Unlimited members
- Unlimited calendars